

Thank you to coming to my little place on the internet. This site contains the products I have created to help you get through your day so that you don't lose your mind!(or Sh*t whichever you prefer!)

My name is Allison and I am the creator and owner of Allison Kay Designs Co. I want my products to be fun and witty. I love a good "bad" or B words as my son calls them, every once and a while. Some times, they fit well with your frustration of the day or task. 

I am a mom of one little boy who keeps me very busy between travel hockey and baseball. I am a wife of a 2nd generation entrepreneur who is extremely business with their families 3 businesses. 

I still love paper and making lists. I love crossing things off and feeling accomplished. I felt like I was losing my mind with papers and different notes or lists everywhere.  I have created these items with a busy mom in mind. One who leaves practice to hit up the store on the way home. Or someone who needs to run errands while the kids are at practice or other events. I want to help busy people with the proper tools to help them. 

I believe God put me on this earth to help people so therefore, I hope my products help you! As one of my favorite people tells me as I have set backs, Better Everyday! Move the needle just a little bit each day!

I send love and light to you as you tackle the day and all of your worries! 



